
Source Naturals, Марганец, 10 мг, 250 таблеток

Главная » Каталог рекомендаций » Рекомендуемые товары » Source Naturals, Марганец, 10 мг, 250 таблеток

Упоминается в курсах:

Включено в наборы:


  • Dietary Supplement
  • Amino Acid Chelate
  • Supports Energy Production
  • Suitable for Vegetarians

Manganese is an essential trace mineral involved in many key functions in the body. It plays a role in energy production, in normal bone formation and development, and in the synthesis of many vital cellular biochemicals such as collagen, prothrombin, urea, mucopolysaccharides, fatty acids and proteins. In addition, manganese is a cofactor for superoxide dismutase, one of the body’s main protective antioxidant systems. This manganese is specially bonded (chelated) with amino acids to protect mineral value and enhance assimilation.

*Данные носят информационный характер и являются информацией, предоставленной производителем для сайта iHerb

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